With PACKAGE LINE GmbH you can actually feel the quality. The carrier bag experts from Switzerland know exactly what they’re talking about when they advise you on services and products. The wide range of carrier bags in a huge variety of materials and the countless ideas for packaging exclusive promotional materials demand that we give samples on request. The professionals would be delighted to take you on a “Touch and feel” tour which would for example demonstrate the differences in paper thicknesses or the surface qualities of PPWoven or PETLine. Your consultant will be happy to give you finished products or selected materials to handle.
Make a selection, request an offer.
Once you have chosen your design and your materials, decided on loops, cords or special handles, thought about the print run or special finishes, PACKAGE LINE GmbH will be happy to give you a binding offer. If you still have any questions, please phone us; we will be happy to help you further.